Homework on Tollefsen, Organizations as true believers

All answers must be in your own words.

1. Tollefsen's paper is about intentional states. Intending to do something is one kind of intentional state, but it is not the only kind. (Note: you might want to look this term up in a philosophy dictionary or encyclopedia)
a. Give another example of an intentional states (other than intending). (1 sentence) (1pt)
b. Explain in your own words what an intentional state is. (1-2 sentences) (1pt)

2. Tollefsen argues that we ascribe intentional states to corporations, and that these ascriptions should not be seen as metaphorical, or non-literal. Why does she think our ascriptions of intentional states to corporations should be taken literally? (1-3 sentences) (2pt)

3. a. Why, according to Tollefsen, must we assume that agents are rational in order to make their behavior intelligible to us? (1-2 sentences) (1pt)
b. Why, according to Tollefsen, does this show that we should think organizations have intentional states? (1-2 sentences) (1pt)

4. According to Tollefsen, there are things that organizations can do to respond to reasons that a single individual cannot do. What is an example? You are welcome to use an example from the reading. (2pts)

5. Give the most plausible example you can where an organization has an intentional state, but no member of that organization has that intentional state. Note: it's best to think of a very specific state; e.g. a case where corporation A believes "x, y, and z" but no member of the corporation believes "x, y, and z." It's very hard to think of an example where the corporation has a belief and no member has any beliefs at all. (2pts)